Digitala kurser och workshops

Här listar vi våra digitala kurser och workshops.


Metal element – in depth understanding of the lung and large intestine meridian

October 4, 10.00 am - 3.00 pm CEST, 120 euro

This course is mainly for you who are a kinesiologist and who are familiar with the basic knowledge about the acupuncture meridians in the body. Understand your client emotional needs better relating to the metal element, learn the effective herbs to use, and also the correlation between lung-spleen -important for the immunesystem- and the correlation between large intestine-stomach and points to use when there is physiological och mental “heat” in the system.

Free webinar – Allergies, reduce symptoms with herbs and nutrition for the immune system

March 31, 6.30 pm CET, 1,5 hours.

Join in for 1,5 hour to get inspiration of how to enhance your own and your clients well being. Also, get a deeper knowledge of why flexibility in your spine is so important for recovery and health.

3 fristående digitala Reflexologikurser

Datum kommer snart (intresseanmälan öppen)

Reflexologi/zonterapi är en behandlingsform som aktiverar kroppens olika system via tryck och massage av punkter och zoner på och under fötterna. Behandlingen löser upp spänningar och blockeringar i muskler, bindväv, nervsystem, blodcirkulation, m.m. Kurserna går igenom tre vanliga problemområden: Smärta och rörelse, Matsmältning och stress/mentalt välmående.